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What are the Ulterior Motives of False Religions?

Galatians 6:11-13

Often times when you want to emphasize something in your writing, you know like an email, text message, letter, or even a paper you’re writing; how would you emphasize something very important? When you can’t communicate with your voice and even facial expressions but in writing you would use all caps, bold lettering, and maybe even a different font. As we look at Galatians 6:11 that is what Paul is doing. He generally had what was called an amanuensis or someone whom he would dictate his letters too. Generally just at the very end, like the benediction, Paul would take over and write the end of the letter with his own handwriting. Like we would sign our own letters. Here because this topic of false teaching was so concerning, he takes the pen and writes the rest of chapter six in his own handwriting with one inch, all caps, bold facing italicizing, unical lettering. He’s setting the tone really for the whole epistle showing how critical it is for us to beware of false teachers and religions; and pay attention to what I’m saying now. He’s setting the matter straight! Anyone who does not teach the full 100% sufficiency of Christ and Him crucified for our salvation beware and let him or her be accursed! Pastor that isn’t very nice, I know but there are times when the truth must be outright spoken but with love. So we are going to see three depictions of false religions: their method, motive, and goal. First verse 12 the method of false religions is…

I. The method of false religions is boastful force vs. 12a

- A religion based on externals prompts pride

- They seek their own glory

Teaching: So Paul’s emphasis throughout this whole letter has been all false religions, all false teaching, and even legalistic leanings focus on the external, focus on you and not God in you. Legalism is a religion of outward force not inward compulsion. It’s more of a concern about how you look to others rather than who you are inside to God and with God. So false teachers and legalists are those who want to make a good showing in the flesh, flesh I believe has both of it’s connotations here. They focus on, actually pressure and compel you to do certain things to your body for religious purposes and cater towards the unredeemed, uncrucified part of your self. They are more concerned with impressions than who you truly are on the inside with God working in you. Paul’s specific warning was against becoming a proselyte to Judaism on top of the Gospel. A Christ plus this or that for salvation. You see the law of the OT and all of it’s requirements never saved anyone, people have always been justified by faith. Works should come from the inside out. 

Good works shows God working in you rather than you trying to work to God. Circumcision is a human operation whereas the cross is a divine transaction. Application: Why is this so important? Because when any sort of legalism becomes the focus of your pursuit of following god (lower case g), you are prompted to be prideful which is the root of all other sin. It’s a focus on the flesh not the Spirit. But a cross centered life is humble. Our lives, please get this, is about inward change not outward observances. Legalism is appearance oriented because it focuses on religious pride. 

Illustration: Have you ever had something that made you trip or almost trip at your house, place of work, or somewhere else you frequented often. Sometimes these obstacles we trip on are just a little bit higher than the ground we are walking on. Often those tripping hazards are something we don’t see clearly.  Pride is a subtle but big stumbling block to embrace God’s grace not only for salvation but also for our sanctification. How do I know if I’m focusing on legalism or Christ in me the hope of glory? Simply look at your life and see if the focus is on you or God in you and worshipping Him?

Transition: If our focus is on God in us and worshipping Him what else should we have of God? We should be in awe of Him as the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

II. The motive of false religions is cowardice vs. 12b

- They fear man more than God

- They shun the cross’ implications

Teaching: As we look at the rest of verse 12, the question to ask if why were these Judaizers or Christ plus false gospel teachers pressuring people to become proselytes to Judaism plus accepting Christ as the Messiah? Their method was boastful pride, which in itself shows self weakness. But the motive underneath their false teaching was they were scarred. They were afraid of what people around them would think, especially, knock on wood, political pressure. They were seeking security above everything else. You see during this time, Christians were being severely persecuted because they were seen as a threat to the Roman Empire. Worshipping a crucified King that you claim rose from the dead and not worshipping Caesar or the emperor. But Jews were and Judaism was protected by the Roman empire. So let’s ride the fence, yes Christ but let’s outwardly show we are actually just practicing Judaism. Let’s compromise our beliefs to avoid being harassed by the government. What happens when you compromise with the Gospel and or add or subtract from it? 

You rob the cross of it’s saving power and you look and become just like the world. Then you actually twist and alter the Bible’s teaching to fit your compromise. 

Who was the first to ever compromise the truth of God’s Word to deceive? Satan.  

Application: Yet there is a fine line between compromise and still respecting those whom God has placed as our governmental leaders. So pastor what would you suggest we handle those areas we’re we may be pressured to compromise the Gospel or the Word of God? Let this be your litmus test or gauge to see if your motive is cowardice. Are you fearing God or man more? 

Illustration: There are many people over the years who have become dual citizens of two countries, my sister became a dual citizen of both the US and Brittian where she lives and has a family. Likewise in a sense we are dual citizens, we live here in this world and especially in the United States. But, our true allegiance is our citizenship in heaven and to Christ our King. And where we draw a line in the sand is when I cannot stand for Christ my King and at the same time follow the government. Daniel in the OT and his three friends actually did a very good job drawing a line in the sand while still being respectful to their earthly king. But we should not whatsoever compromise our Biblical beliefs to avoid persecution. If we do we shun the cross of Christ, we too spit on our Savior. And like last week’s message, compromise is sowing to what? The flesh not the spirit. 

And you will reap and become corrupted from bad to worse in the area where you compromise. You know there are many so-called churches today where you cannot tell the difference between them and the world; let’s never become that type of church. Not that we become weirdos but rather let’s not bring the heavenly realm down to a worldly level. Let’s live in the heavenly realm while seeking to bring people in the world to Christ. Ephesians 4:15 speak the truth in love. Respect the emperor but worship only the King!

Transition: While the method of false religions is boastful pride and their motive is cowardice or fear of man rather than God. The ultimate goal is not to help you but to look good.

III. The goal of false religions is to flaunt vs. 13

- They really don’t want to help you but be praised

- They don’t understand what they are teaching

Teaching: You will know them by their what? Fruit, actions. Those who are circumcised is a present passive articular participle (who they are). These false teachers claim they are following God and His law but really they do not obey the law as a lifestyle. Really back in the OT times circumcision was a physical mark that I am showing I’m separating myself from the world and it’s corrupt sinful practices and following God’s ways because I’m justified by faith. Keeping the law gave the law meaning as a God-follower. 

But these false religionists were not concerned about transformation of the heart rather how many proselytes or converts they could get. Not for the glory of God but for their own glory. They want to boast about how they brought you over to their side, they want to brag literally be loud-tongued about your external religiosity. The test for what or who you brag in is what or who you boast in. This is actually where we need to be careful as an application. Ask ourselves are we more interested in the number of converts or their actual conversion and transformation? Is it more about numbers on a page or names written in the lamb’s book of life and following Christ our Savior with our whole being?  

Illustration: We have to realize we’re still bent towards the flesh this side of heaven. We are like a car that is out of alignment and the alignment cannot be completely fixed this side of heaven. When you’re car it out of alignment you have to hold the steering wheel straight or you’ll veer off the road. Times like now there are potholes everywhere that we must avoid and we make our selves more out of alignment. There’s a constant pull to take us off God’s path, through the Holy Spirit’s help and our reliance on Christ God keeps our out of alignment selves on His path. Conclusion: As we conclude let’s focus on what Paul says about the cross in the book of Galatians so we stay aligned with Christ and Him crucified. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 5:11 But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, 

why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed.

Galatians 5:24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Galatians 6:12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

Galatians 6:14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

The cross, God transformed the most fearful expression of man’s hatred into the most beautiful expression of His divine love. 

The heart of your religion is what you boast in (next week)!


galatians 6_11-13 outline.docx
luke 15_1-10 outline.docx